Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Inquisitive Little People!

My kids are extremely inquisitive! They ask tons of questions about lots of things.

Crazy questions like... "Why do trees come out of the ground instead of out of the sky?"

Profound questions like... "How come when God talks to me I feel it instead of hearing it?"

Difficult questions like... "Why do some people like to hurt other people?"

Embarrassing questions like... "Why is her booty that big???"

Delicate questions like... "How did that baby get in there and how is it going to get out?"

Yes, I have been asked every one of these questions by one or more of my children. When my oldest child first started asking me questions like this I would do one of two things... either I would totally avoid the question or I would give way more information than he could handle at his age.

Then, over time, I managed to find the balance of age appropriate honesty. I would answer him as simply as I could until his curiosity was satisfied. This seems to work well for all of my children... and they are all very different children :-)

I am honest... completely honest. There are no stork stories or skirting of hard or profound questions. Just honesty. And I've found that if I don't give them enough information they'll continue to ask questions until they feel they understand. And as they get older and think of more questions about the same topics, they ask. And I answer.

This is hard for some people, I know. Difficult questions about God or the evil in the world are hard to answer. Questions about where babies come from are uncomfortable to answer. But, because of how I was dealt with as a child on these topics, I know that children will find the answers to their questions somewhere.

I want them to find their answers at home from my husband and me. If I shut them down now and refuse to answer their questions, I will lose them. They won't come to me later when they need to talk through things or ask questions. And if I am not honest... if I make up stories about storks or dodge their questions about God, they won't trust me. One day they will discover the truth and will know I lied to them.

So, I answer them. I answer them if it's hard or uncomfortable. If I don't know the answer we try to find the answer together.

My oldest is only 9, so I know there are probably harder questions coming... but when they come, I will answer. My plan is to keep the lines of communication open... and to pray a lot :-)

1 comment:

  1. So where do babies come from? LOL
    Kidding - only kidding!!
