Saturday, April 17, 2010


Sometimes I have bad days... yep, really :-) And sometimes I have problems and "issues". Everyone does. And each of us feels like our problems are a big deal in the moment. Some problems are a VERY big deal and some problems, in the grand scheme, are issues that we won't even remember happened a few years from now.

There have been a couple things going on in my life recently that I'd consider problems. Not big problems, but problems that are important to me right now.

But it's all about perspective. The issues I'm having are not issues that are insurmountable and certainly aren't issues that 10 years from now will be anything that stand out in my past as major.

Today I visited a dear couple that I go to church with whose baby boy just died. They went in for a regular check-up at 28 weeks pregnant and there was no heartbeat. They delivered the baby the next day via c-section. Apparently the umbilical cord had a kink in it and he died. How sad!! This sweet couple loves the Lord with all that they are and are amazing people. I am so sad for them that they are going through such a hard time.

This is definitely something in this couple's life that they will always look back on as a major event in their lives, and rightly so.

It just gave me some perspective.

Not that what I'm dealing with isn't important or relevant in my life... just that I need to keep it in perspective.

Thought I'd share :-)

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