Friday, April 2, 2010

He Changed Me!! My Story.

The Easter season is one that makes a lot of us reflect on what Christ has done for us. I know I do. How amazing it is that Jesus (God made flesh) would choose to humble Himself, come to earth as man, die to save us from our sins, and then defeat death and the grave.... HOW AMAZING!!!

I know there are a lot of people who think that Christians are ignorant or uneducated for believing what we do. And to be honest, I don't blame them. Before I was a Christian I thought it sounded a little nutty and certainly didn't believe it was true.

My testimony... my story... is very long and involved. But I'll give a short version for any who are interested...

You know... I was in the middle of typing up a bunch of details but I stopped and deleted it. My life story is kind of sad. It's one that causes people to walk away from feeling sorry for me... and that isn't what I want... I LOVE MY LIFE!!!

So, how can I say this without getting bogged down in all the negative details? I will say that I went from a life that was overshadowed by shame and depression to a life that is full of love and joy :-) Knowing Christ has changed me from a girl who felt I didn't deserve love from anyone to
a woman who is overwhelmed by love from family and friends and my church family.

Please don't get me wrong... I am not trying to pretend that life is perfect. It's not. There are people in my life that disappoint me and hurt me and fail me sometimes. There have been hard things and sad things in my life. It's not all hunky dory by any means. BUT in the midst of the bad and the negative things... I still have joy. I still love my life and I still trust God. And that love and trust could only come from God Himself.

If you knew me before I became a Christian you know how drastic the change has been. There is still a lot to be changed :) But the change God has made in me is awesome and overwhelming and I am SO very blessed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus... for what you did for me. Words are not enough... I pray my actions and my life glorify You daily.

If you are reading this and don't know Christ, you probably think I've lost my mind. I pray you will experience the peace and comfort knowing Christ brings to your life. There are many Bible believing churches and pastors that would be happy to talk with you. Just leave me a comment if you want some info.

Today my husband and I will be making Resurrection Rolls (really cool!!) with the kids and tomorrow we will dye Easter eggs... and we will share the story of Christ with them and we will play and have fun... and we will do our best to remember our blessings and be thankful. We are so very, very blessed. Thank you, Jesus!!!!

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