Monday, April 26, 2010

What do I see?

Please don't laugh at me!!! :) Okay, you can laugh if you want... anyway, sometimes when something is on my heart I write it down in the form of a short story or poem. I wrote this a while back and thought I'd share :-)

What do I see?

Messy little cheeks

And hands playing with spaghetti

Little eyes looking with wonderment

At those slippery saucy noodles

Toys all strewn throughout the house

This and that are out of place

Imaginations running wild

Every moment a new discovery

Holes are dug out in the yard

The dirt is thrown about

Anticipation of the tree

That surely now will grow

Missing cushions from the couch

And blankets from who knows where

Their inspiring determination

To build a fort they love

Do I see the messy faces,

Or do I see the wonderment?

Are the toys a burden to pick up,

Or do I learn from the discoveries?

Do I see the holes in the grass,

Or does their anticipation make me smile?

Do I insist the cushions must go back,

Or does the determination inspire me?

Do I choose to see the burdens,

Or the moments that inspire?

Will I choose to enjoy my gifts,

Or will I choose to wish them away?

--Juliet Johnston